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Abridged version of Hon. Min of Aviation and Aerospace Development Mr. Festus Keyamo speech today at the Inauguration of the Task Force on Illegal Charter Operations & Related Matters

Abridged version of Hon. Min of Aviation and Aerospace Development Mr. Festus Keyamo speech today at the Inauguration of the Task Force on Illegal Charter Operations & Related Matters


1- When I took over office as Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, I set for myself and my team a 5-point agenda that will guide us in discharging the mandate of Mr. President. This 5-point agenda encapsulates safety, infrastructure, support for local operators, human capacity development and revenue generation. We have since set sail….

2. Accordingly, we have since identified problematic issues within the aviation industry that we must tackle headlong…

3. One of such issues is what we are gathered for here today. It has come to my attention, through a series of disturbing reports, that practice of illegal charter operations is thriving within the aviation industry, thereby undermining the efforts of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) and other regulatory bodies.

4. These illicit activities have not only resulted in significant financial losses to the Federal Government, but have also raised security and safety concerns as the operations of private aircraft owners have remained largely unchecked and unregulated. This has also resulted in using these private aircrafts for other illegal activities. Last week, the National Security Adviser wrote to us, alerting us of the spike in money laundering, drug-trafficking and other illegal activities through the use of private aircrafts in the country. It appears that Private Non-Commercial Flight (PNCF) operators have become increasingly emboldened, continuing their illegal operations with the assistance of Air Operator Certificate (AOC) holders who collect tolls and list these illegal charters under their AOCs.

5. Furthermore, we have received alarming reports that some crew members have not attended mandatory simulator trainings for nearly three years and are flying with fraudulently-obtained renewed licenses. Many of these individuals are operating planes registered under PNCF but are conducting illegal charter operations with impunity.

6. In light of these grave concerns and in alignment with two key objectives of our five-point agenda, I am compelled to take this decisive action. Today, I am pleased to announce the establishment of the Ministerial Task Force on Illegal Private Charter Operations and Related Matters.

The Task Force is charged with the following terms of reference:

a) To take inventory of all PNCF holders and AOC holders.

b) To determine why the practice of illegal charters by PNCF holders persists in the country despite regulatory controls.

c) To call in all professional licenses of pilots and crew in the country and determine their authenticity and validity.

d) To recommend to the Minister any additional measures to be taken by regulatory agencies to stem this ugly tide.

e) To recommend appropriate sanctions to be imposed by the regulatory agencies on defaulters.

f) To recommend additional measures to further monitor the operations and activities of  private aircraft in Nigeria.

g.) Any other term of reference that may be determined by the Minister as the Task Force continues its work.

7.  The members of the Task Force have been carefully selected from within the aviation industry and are people of high repute and integrity. They are (a.) Capt. Ado Sanusi, Chairman; (b.) Capt. Roland Iyayi, Vice Chairman; (c) Ag. Director of Air Transport, Aviation Ministry, Secretary; (d.) Theresa Babayo (Director, NCAA), member (e.) Commander of the Presidential Air Fleet, AVM O. Oyesola, member ( office of the NSA); (f.) Capt. Daniel Quansah, member; (g.) Capt. Patrick Ogunlowo, member and (h.) Obafemi Bajomo, SA to the Minister, member

8- Together, we will work diligently to restore confidence in our aviation industry, eliminate illegal operations, and ensure that every flight in our skies adheres to the highest standards of safety and legality.

Thank you.

Festus Keyamo, SAN, CON, FCIArb (UK

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